Sunday, March 28, 2010

Bullish Wanderlust

Throughout the past week, I've had to say goodbye to a whole lot of people I really dear family, wonderful friends, and the teeny little ones I've cared for. It hasn't been easy but I've managed to keep it together. Tonight, however, after a final quiet dinner with a few friends at Cafe Steinhof, I started to feel a little lump in my throat as we parted ways. But as I rode the A train by myself the rest of the way home, I dug into my bag, pulled out a local magazine, and came across my horoscope:

How many continents have you been to, Taurus? I've only been to three and I'm starting to get nervous. Because really, this life of ours is but brief waking amid the eternal night of the universe, so if you don't do it now, when are you going to do it? That's why I'm building a rocket ship in my backyard, And that's why I'm going to fly that sucker some day.

Oh, how I love when the universe aligns.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG. Perfect!