The other night, my friend whipped out her most current Netflix arrival and I was thrilled to learn that it was
No Impact Man. I remember hearing about this "crazy" dude while living in New York a few years. Apparently, what had stuck in my mind upon reading a review back then was still lodged in the front of my brain. "That's the dude who gave up the elevator in his building and walked up something like six flights a day. With his toddler!"
Because that's pretty much where I would have drawn the line.
So this is the story about Colin Beaven and his family and how they decide to make as little impact on the environment as possible for one year. This means, among many other things, only eating food that is grow locally (sorry, no coffee), stomping their clothes clean in the bathtub, and bringing worms into their apartment to compost their waste.
Although I probably could have learned to walk up six flights or whatever it was, I definitely could not have gone without toilet paper (still not entirely clear how they dealt with that). But overall, as I watched this film, I thought,
this isn't so crazy. Okay, going without electricity is pretty extreme but it isn't a ludicrous idea. Hello, solar power. And there were many simple things that they did that I, too, have incorporated into my daily life. Now I'm no saint but for the most part:
I don't use plastic bags. (I always have a nylon
Chico type bag stuffed in my purse.)
I use my own, reusable coffee to-go cup.
I make and use my own basic cleaning agents. (White vinegar and baking soda can do wonders for your entire house.)
And of course, I'm constantly educating myself and trying to do lots of other things in the name of the environment as well as my health. I walk rather than drive as much as I can. I only wash my clothes in cold water. I only use the electricity sucking clothes dryer when necessary. I rarely get take-out food because I despise the waste that comes along with it not to mention how unhealthy most food from your local Chinese joint really is. And speaking of trash, I found this aspect of Colin's project one of the most interesting. I recycle everything I possibly can but what if I made a really huge effort to avoid buying things in packaging in the first place? Could I really say goodbye to my Wheat Thins?
I found Colin's blog to be really helpful regarding
this issue along with many, many others. Plus there are many links to other great environmental websites and blogs such as
My Zero Waste. In fact, I was quickly reminded as to just how many wonderful environmentally friendly
How To sites are out there. And then I wondered, why, with all of this information at their fingertips, are so many people still not taking action? I mean, how in 2011, can people still not be making the most bottom of the barrel attempt to
at least recycle their garbage?
It blows my mind. And when I visit my parents and walk in the back woods, only to find that plastic milk jugs and other garbage have found their way among the animals' eating grounds, I practically go insane.
So here's another resolution for 2011. I'm going to start posting more information about recycling, how to reduce consumption, and how we can live healthier lives in the process. Sound good?
So first step, even if you think this Colin dude is nuts, take a few moments to check out his blog and some of the links. You don't have to give up electricity. Just make a pledge to unplug a bit more. Small acts can result in truly great things.