Wednesday, July 14, 2010


As I mentioned recently, I went back home (first NYC and then on to Wisconsin) a few weeks ago. During those ten days, I was lucky enough to spend time with some of my favorite people in this world. Although I cannot say that it was a stress free vacation, I definitely had my moments of tranquility. After three months of German classes, apartment hunting, bureaucratic stress, and a slew of deadlines, it felt fantastic to smell the hay and feel the summer breeze from my sister's porch while reading The Three Little Pigs to my niece.

And although those lovely moments are not to be taken lightly, life is rarely that easy. This has become painfully clear the past few weeks. For a multitude of reasons, I have found that it is necessary for me to leave Berlin earlier than anticipated and head back to Wisconsin. Although I know it's the right thing to do, this has not been an easy decision. I have had a torrid love affair with Berlin, that is certain, and I don't expect my passion for this city to die. In fact, in many ways, it's the perfect city for me. It's just too bad that it's not conveniently located within driving distance of everyone I love. But that's okay. I am finding peace with my decision to leave. Right now, I've got a good handle on my priorities and interestingly, I think Berlin is exactly what I needed to make this discovery.

So on to the next phase. A difficult road lies ahead but I believe I am cultivating the strength to not only be there for others but to also take better care of myself. In the meantime, I have a week to enjoy the heck out of this city. For some reason, I don't think that will be so hard to do.

Thanks, Berlin for everything. I'm sure we will meet again. To my friends and family back home, thanks for reminding me where my heart is. See you soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

zomg i know this feeling. i KNOW it.
