Sunday, September 27, 2009

Breakfast IS the Most Important Meal(s) of the Day

I have no business taking any time to blog but things keep popping up that I feel compelled to share. (Sorry, dear readers. I realize this is probably only amusing to me at this point). Anyway, my latest "a-ha!" moment...

I'm not sure if this is truly the case but according to the German language CDs I've been listening to, my peeps in the homeland traditionally have two breakfasts: one shortly after they rise (which in my mind is around 5 am, industrious Germans!) and then another in the late morning.

I'm not the only one who does this?? This is totally how I operate! I used to feel guilty about it, like I had no self-control, but now I feel vindicated! Yes, I have my bowl of granola or whatever around seven or so but by 10/10:30, I'm starving! Hence, my berries and oatmeal earlier this morning followed by a fat second breakfast of eggs, sausage (fake/meatless sausage!), and toast an hour ago. A few hours from now, it will be a late lunch, then a light dinner (this I stole from my Madrileno days) and some grazing in between. That seems pretty healthy, right?

Unfortunately, I don't feel so energized after breakfast number two at the moment. Maybe it's time to implement my Spanish side and take advantage of an early siesta. At least then you'll get a break from these incessant posts.

Okay. Here I...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Sounds like a great schedule, especially if you have naptime built in!