Saturday, May 8, 2010

I Love Being Distasteful!

I missed out on several of these Bad Taste parties last fall but they looked like such ridiculous fun that I was very glad to hear about the one last night. Some lady friends and I got decked out in our best (err, worst?) and headed to the Magnet Club around one last night. I was quite pleased to find the place packed to the gills with similarly distasteful outfits. What surprised me, however, was that some people went beyond the dorky or trashy and headed straight to Halloween costumery. I'm talking huge, fuzzy animals suits. In fact, I managed to see a frog and an octupus on the dance floor. Quite amazing, actually, considering that hardly anyone in this town actually dressed up for Halloween last fall. (I'm still miffed about that). Apparently, a 90s party is where it's at. Good to know considering I now have this awesome jacket at my disposal which really must be viewed and appreciated by the good folks of Berlin as much as possible. I think some sort of sparkly, gold hair piece is next on the agenda.

But first, a bit more tea. After dancing til dawn and hobbling back home in heels over cobblestone streets, my body must first recover before there's any more talk about dancing the night away. Give me a week and I'll be ready for more. As will the jacket.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, that stuffs good fun and the abundance of "pay by weight" second hand stores makes it easy tog et your hands on some stuff. Sometimes you even find some downright hilariosu stuff (I know own a Wimpel)

Rachael said...

A Wimpel? No idea what that is. Do tell!