Sunday, July 17, 2011

Brooklyn, Don't Make Me Miss You Any More Please


It's something like 91 degrees outside right now and my hair has been doing crazy things, mostly laying very unattractively flat to my head. 'Tis the season for people to either be holed up in their homes in front of the A/C or sitting on a patio somewhere, sucking down a few. I live in Wisconsin where beer is regularly consumed no matter what the season. However, I'm thinking that it's probably on the rise on a day like today. So have you ever wondered which breweries are doing the best on the sustainable front? Me neither. (I know, for shame.) But I came across this article and I will give a major "WOOT, WOOT!" to Brooklyn. I never knew that the Brooklyn Brewing Company operated a 100% wind operated facility. How cool is that? And there are several other companies doing awesome things. Click, learn, and drive safely, my friends.

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