Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I think some of us keep journals and write blogs not only for the sake of recording our thoughts but also to reflect on where we've come and where we are going. I've also realized that reading past entries like this one can be a good reality check. It's so easy to get wrapped up in the stress of our daily lives and forget about the goodness that is present, even if it's tucked away in the back of our minds or at the bottom of our hearts. Likewise, when we are chronically worrying about work or money, it's easy to lose sight of what real tragedy is. Although I've had many rough patches in my thirty some years, I've had an overall pretty lucky existence. Of course, we are all quickly jolted into a sense of clarity when tragedy strikes others. Sometimes, perspective slapping you hard in the face is exactly what you need. And for me, along with perspective comes reminders to myself...

I am grateful that despite my current life stressors, I am safe, healthy, loved and loving of others. I am grateful that due to the kindness bestowed upon me, I know how to return it to others. I am grateful that despite having to say goodbye to wonderful people in my life, I've had the chance to know them in the first place, if even just a little bit. And I am grateful to know that true inner peace does exist even if so many of us are currently having a hard time finding it.

Peace, tranquility, acceptance...these are all things I'm constantly searching for but seem to continually lose sight of due to my incessant focus on stressful things. But lately, I've been hearing my mom's voice in my head a lot. During hard times, she always says, "This, too, shall pass." And for this gentle reminder, I think many of us are grateful.

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