Sunday, June 6, 2010

I Didn't Want to Go to Your Stupid Club Anyway

It's been an insane month. With intensive German classes, a whole lot of work, and a side of crap weather, I was beginning to wonder if I'd ever see the light of day (both figuratively and literally) again.

But la-dee-da! The sun has started to shine again! A big work project has now been completed and although spring was pretty much non-existent, we have recently been thrust into summer. The weather has been perfect and my mental health has much appreciated it. Yesterday, I was walking around like an idiot, a big dopey grin on my face. Ahh, to feel the sun on one's face is to feel human again.

To celebrate the completion of this latest project as well as the commencement of beautiful 80 degree (err, 25 degree?) weather, there was no choice in my mind but to get a little crazy on a dance floor somewhere. After a few beers on our balcony last night, some friends and I headed to this amazing bar/rec space/campground(??). After some recent hard core pangs of homesickness, this is exactly where I needed to go to be reminded of the awesomeness that is Berlin.

After winding through some hidden alley next to a car dealership, we found ourselves amongst people playing ping pong and pool in wide open, grassy spaces (yes, there was a pool table randomly planted under a tree) while others were chilling around smoldering campfires. A little further on, we were on the banks of the Spree alongside other people kicking back in low slung chairs, quietly chatting and sipping their beers. And if you ever decide to Kiki Blofeld it, don't forget to descend down into the crazy boat/deck area! While enjoying your drink, you might even notice some random dude undress down to his skivvies to take a little dip. Good times.

We should have just stayed there but there was a lot of curiosity amongst the group about Bar 25 on the other side of the river. Not exactly the caliber of Berghain, this place is still quite an institution amongst the Berlin club scene. Plus, another outdoor bar space? Sign me up!

We trekked across the bridge to the other side to find a significant line in progress. I was instantly annoyed. This girl has no patience for lines at 3 am. However, considering we had already made the journey, we decided to wait. The time went quite fast actually considering our entertainment, like the people next to us playing charades or the folks in full Renaissance gear falling out of a cab to join the party.

As we reached the front of the line, I also noticed an interesting array of door people. There was one particularly giant guy who somehow looked both wholesome and terrifying at the same time. The woman who seemed to be making the decisions of who was in or out was the epitome of all hipsterness. Ill fitting mesh truck driver hat, ugly non-matching shorts, ridiculous glasses, pretty much everything I loathe in the "fashion" world and was glad to leave behind in Brooklyn.

As we patiently waited our turn, a couple of guys who seemed to have escaped a traveling circus appeared out of nowhere and were allowed immediate entrance. I couldn't stop staring at one of them, his purple sequined pants and jacket (bare chested beneath), his coordinating derby hat, and loads of matching eye make-up. After he and hipster chick kissey, kissy-ed (barf!), he ducked into the club and she then turned to us, smiled sweetly, and said, "This way please" and chauffeured us to the side. At first, I thought she was showing us to a different entrance. But no, she was simply showing our way to the exiting line.

My friends and I were dumbfounded. Did our whole group seriously not meet the standard of Bar 25 coolness? I mean, did I just get denied entrance because I forgot my pink rhinestone pants and matching hat at home? OR should I have gone with the red velvet Guinevere get-up? Or wait...where's that hat that Grandpa used to wear on the tractor?

Honestly, though, I couldn't even be pissed because that kind of crap just makes me laugh. Wah, wah, so I didn't get into your fabulous club. Fine then. Take me back to the the campfire so I can toast a marshmallow and get on with my night.

The group then decided to head to one last waterfront bar, Club der Visionaere. But as we weaved through the throngs of people on the street and down the path to the bar area, I immediately noticed a line and halted.

"," I said to no one in particular. I had to pee, the sky was lightening, I had dragged one of my friends all the way over there to have one last drink and was not about to wait in one more @(*%&! line to possibly be rejected.

So we headed down the street to a half empty bar for one last drink. Although I never found my way to a dance floor, I managed to have a nice, relaxed chat in a cozy little bar until the sun came up. Bummer that there was no cutting of rugs but I have a feeling I will have plenty more chances to dance the night away in this town. And thank you, Summer, it's good to see you again.

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